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Abbie's Blog

Abbie's Blog

About Me

I'm a thirty-something, multi-lingual, passionately curious, deep-thinking, biological female.

What You'll Find Here

Daily Blog - usually a 1 minute read. My thought of the day.

Actionable Philosophy - How to understand life better.

Theories on Human Behaviour - My own included. It's been a lifelong fascination.

Book Reviews - My reading log. Short summaries per book; detailed notes for some of the more practical ones.

Fasting - I've been fasting since before it was trendy, more than 17 years ago. Prolonged water fasting, dry fasting, and other forms. Information, tracking (e.g. blood glucose & ketone levels) & diaries will be found here.

2021: a year of challenges

Because why not?

January Challenge: Create a website and publish a daily blog post.

February Challenge: Read every day.

March Challenge: Squat every day.

April Challenge: Hang from a bar every day. (missed one day)

May Challenge: Stomach crunches every day.

June Challenge: Push-ups to failure every day.

July Challenge: No challenge

August Challenge: Writing about a theme each week

Challenge Ideas? I welcome them! Send an email to

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. ~ Leo Tolstoy

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