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Abbie's Blog

Life Philosophy

We are all individually responsible for the choices we make, the actions we take (or don't take), and the kind of interactions we choose to have (or not have) with each other on a daily basis.

  • 1. Take Responsbility

Your life is your life. No one else's.

  • 2. Understand Yourself

Who are you? Who do you want to be? Why? Do you understand your own behaviour?

  • 3. Understand Others

Are you able to see things from other people's perspectives?

  • 4. Learn how to Communicate

We are social beings. Learn how to communicate effectively.

  • 5. Decide how you will measure the quality of your life.

Is it by what you achieved? Or is it by the number of people's lives that you impacted?

Or is it from having a clean conscience that you always did "the right thing"?