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Abbie's Blog

Be a High-Hoper

1 min read

A what?

A high-hoper.

What's that?

To explain it in one phrase:

there's more than one way to skin a cat.

High-hopers believe that there are many workable paths to attain a goal.

Which is in contrast to the notion that one's goal is only reachable through one fixed path, meaning that if one falls by the wayside, one must immediately commit to a life spent alternating between routine self-flagellation and bouts of gazing into the middle distance, thinking of what might have been and questioning one's raison d'être.

(Or in other words, giving up the pursuit of one's goal)

No, one must be as flexible as a Chromebook with a 180 degree hinge.

Take a step back, and figure out your next, smarter, plan of attack.

Be relentless in the pursuit of your dreams.

Hey, what's the worst that could happen.

You die trying?

*no cats were skinned during the writing of this post