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Abbie's Blog

Clarity of Thought

1 min read

How does one achieve it?

It's probably different for everyone.

But here are some things that help me:

  • Daily journalling.

  • Exercise.

Ideally in nature

  • Fasting.

(Here is just one interesting study on the impact of high-energy diets on cognitive function - with some good news in section 6)

  • Listening to music.

(I've just discovered Max Richter)

  • Time spent reflecting.

Perhaps the most underestimated one?

  • Turning off unnecessary distractions.

(Example: I don't enable any notifications on my phone, only use it at certain times of day, and have the colour set to grayscale.)

Ultimately, it comes down to doing the work to figure out what gets you into a flow state.

But I think it's fair to say that you'll increase the quality of your life if you do.