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Abbie's Blog

Conquering Irrationality

1 min read

What causes you to have an irrational reaction?

Do you know?

Can you recognise when you're being irrational?

Do you have 'triggers' ? (as much as I hate that word)

For me, it's a lack of control.

If someone is taking away my control, or I simply feel that I don't have control, my chest gets winded, my head gets in a daze, and I have the tendency to snap, which I'd like to say is not like me.

Thankfully, I've grown to recognise the warning signs and try to stop them in their tracks. Take deep breaths. Recognise the irrationality of my reaction. Look at things objectively.

Another great solution?

Taking a step back and having a good laugh at how ridiculous you are being, and at how small the problem is.

Something else that helps is having honest friends who can tell you when you're being an idiot.

Thank God and cherish those friendships.