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Abbie's Blog

Dealing with self-disappointment

1 min read

When do you feel disappointed in yourself?

Perhaps when you don't live up to your own standards or do something that conflicts with your core values.

So how do you handle it when it inevitably happens?

Well, it happened to me today.

I was late to a meeting, and the reason was mostly circumstantial (I was joining by phone and my phone died, and I was not yet at a place where I could charge it), but it still bothered me.

I could have gone the extra mile to make sure that that did not happen.


It bothered me because I felt shame and embarassment that the meeting had to be rescheduled.

They sound like heavy words but they are accurate. (and heavy!)

So, what to do?

Accept it.

You're human.

It was one time.

Let it go.

Stop thinking that the other person cares that much.

They have a life and they're human too.

And if they judge you on one action?

Probably not worth your time anyway.