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Abbie's Blog

Don't Underestimate the Niggly Things

1 min read

You know, the things that you procrastinate about.

The things you know you should do, but don't.

They may be little, they may not be urgent.

But they are probably important.

Or at least important enough to occupy some brainspace.

Today, I had a rest day.

I wrote down some of the niggly things occupying brainspace.

I view niggly things as imaginary flies buzzing around in my head.

Sometimes it's a faint buzzing, at other times the buzzing gets louder.

On second thoughts, maybe they are more like mosquitoes than flies.

Ever experienced trying to sleep and a mosquito flying right by your ear?

Not pleasant.

So, as opposed to turning on the light and going all out with a fly swatter, all you have to do to stop the mosquito-buzzing in your head is to write out what the niggly thing is.

I made a list.

And I even did some of them.

Like deleted Whatsapp.

Cancelled a phone contract.

Cleaned up the files on my laptop.

Ordered a book.

Some things I had wanted to do for a while but hadn't.

I've done alot of niggly things so far this year, and the impact it has on energy levels cannot be underestimated.

I highly recommend addressing those niggly things on a regular basis.