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Abbie's Blog

Euphoria strikes

1 min read

Whereas yesterday was a struggle, today was euphoric.

Here are two definitions:

  1. extreme happiness, sometimes more than is reasonable in a particular situation
  1. Psychology. a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania.

Maybe I am just a maniac. But at least I'm a happy one.

I certainly like to take things to extremes. Always have.

Today was a beautiful day.

No opioid drugs. No alcohol. No caffeine. No sugar. Actually, no food at all.

I like to, for the most part, be free from addictive substances.

I think most people are zombies and slaves to these things.

But each to their own.

I just like to be high on life.

To look after my body.

To appreciate the elements. Cold air. How it makes your cheeks feel. Raindrops on your face.

Being able to walk down the street or in the park, watching life and listening to nice music.

Smiling at strangers.

Enjoying internal peace.

Appreciating the things, people and experiences in one's life.

Here's to being euphoric without being sectioned.