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Abbie's Blog


1 min read

What is the point in it?

I believe it changes your energy.

And managing your energy is probably one of the most powerful things you can do in your life.

Sometimes it's hard. Like, really hard. How can you change your feeling? Your emotion? Especially if you are going through something truly devastating or life-changing.

Action will help.

Gratitude will help.


By focusing on something positive, you will generate positive energy. [You can't just mumble gratitude, you have to feel it in your body.]

Start by being grateful for the small things. I have a page in my bullet journal titled "Celebrate the Small Wins". I definitely haven't used it enough, but I do have some entries from last year.

The date I wrote my first javascript function.

The date I had my first full meeting in Dutch.

The date I had my first minibreak away.

I like to celebrate progress, no matter how small. I think that's what actually motivates people. Progress, not perfection.

They are small things. But they will turn into big things.

And our memories fail us. That's why it's important to write them down. Measure the gain, not the gap.


It's a great habit to have.