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Abbie's Blog


1 min read

Here are some phrases that all mean the same thing but different.

Je suis fatiguée.

Simply, I'm tired. Fatigued.

Je suis épuisée.

I am dried out.

Je suis vidée.

I am emptied.

Je suis mort de fatigue.

I am dead from tiredness.

Je suis sur les rotules.

I am on my knees.

Je suis crevé.

I'm exhausted ...'un crevaison' means a puncture.

Je suis claquée.

To 'claque' is making a very loud or piercing noise. The closest thing I can think of is 'I'm slammed' or 'I'm shot' [English colloquial].

I am not emptied or dried out. I am simply fatiguée, but committed to publishing every day.

Habits should be so ingrained that you will push through, despite parts of your brain suggesting otherwise.