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Abbie's Blog

Sabotage Self-Sabotage

1 min read

Procrastinating about something you could easily get done?

Reaching for something that may provide you with short-term comfort but long-term poor health?

Wallowing when you know it will only make you feel worse?

Self-sabotage, a complex subject.

Understanding why you do it will take you on a deep and uncomfortable journey.

Be compassionate with yourself.

Be very aware.

Overcoming self-sabotage requires alot of that awareness stuff.

Many people will not even notice many of the behaviours they are unconsciously doing that are preventing them from attaining what they, on the surface-level, think they want.

And even once the self-sabotaging behaviours are identified, it's an even more painful and frustrating road to changing those behaviours.

What does one do?

Try to understand self-sabotage on a deeper level.

Write down what you really want.

Who you really want to be.

Identify alternative behaviours to your self-sabotaging ones.

Set up conditions to support these behaviours.

Get comfortable with uncomfortable feelings.

They will pass.

So will your life.

How do you want to look back on it?

“You’re more likely to act yourself into feeling, than feeling yourself into action.” ~ Dr. Jerome Bruner