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Abbie's Blog

You are who you choose to be

1 min read

My new year starts in February.

January is usually a time of fasting and reflection.

And some of that reflection today involved reading one of the (many) black notebooks I have - this one titled "Personal Development Goals".

The page was titled "Abbie Qualities" and I had written down a list of statements about myself.

Now I hadn't actually looked at this piece of paper in quite a while, but it was striking how everything had become true, and actually I'd heard some people use these very words to describe me recently.

What I really would suggest is to not only choose qualities, but go a further step and choose behaviours that demonstrate these qualities, and then repeat them so that they become part of your identity.

However at the very least, you can still just get a piece of paper and write it down.

Maybe you'll forget about it and pick it up a year later and be pleasantly surprised.

I was.